Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing, MI

There are no shortcuts to accumulating wealth – it requires saving, patience, and time.

Who We Are

The McCloskey Financial Group is a full-service wealth management team dedicated to providing an outstanding client experience focused on your financial goals. We take a technically sophisticated approach to investing to strive to provide you transparency and clarity throughout your investing journey with us. With more than 74 years of combined investment industry experience, our focus is on developing and implementing customized financial blueprints designed to help clients create the retirement they envision.

Meet the team
Hiking on a trail

Our Approach

We are laser focused on you and your financial needs. Our strategies will prioritize your unique goals and help you in your quest to generate and preserve wealth. Our team works hard to provide you with informed, common sense guidance and a patient approach to investing to help you pursue your important goals.

Our thoughtful and comprehensive approach to investments is a core strength at McCloskey Financial Group. We engage in a tactical asset allocation process, where we seek to identify – through technical analysis – whether the broad trend of the market is positive or negative. We guide our clients to allocate funds to what we believe are the strongest asset classes. 

Over time, through periodic reviews with you, we will evaluate and reevaluate our decisions to ensure we are staying responsive to the market, thus continuing in our quest to help you protect the wealth and assets you have worked hard to earn.

Business man's hand stacking blocks

Our Philosophy

Throughout retirement, we seek to help you prioritize your goals and develop a strategy designed to build wealth and mitigate risk to your retirement assets.

Our goal is to help you understand how to structure your retirement income, make your income last, and identify sources of income you should tap into first in an effort to help maximize your income potential. We hope to help you simplify your retirement income stream, provide ongoing account servicing, and help give you confidence to enjoy your retirement.

Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against loss.